Bf chk-chk roll
Bf chuck-b
Beef neck bones
Bf chuck-clod 1pc pref ch/hi
Bf chk-shldr clod 2pc pr ch/hi
Bf chuck-short cut clods ch/hi
Block rdy beef chuck clodheart
Brisket flat
Chuck pectoral muscle
Chuck semi bnls 2pc
Beef rib bnls lipon ribeyes up
Bf rib-cntr cut back rib ch
Bf rib-ribeye roll ch/hi / Rib eye Roll
Beef bnls top butt center cut
Coulotte fat on choice
Bf loin-bnls 0x1 strip ch/hi
Beef loin tenderloin psmo 5/up
Beef round eye flat pack
Bf round-gooseneck select
Bf round-knuckle cap off sel
Bf bnls round inside round 1/4
Beef plate outside skirt sel
Bf plate-inside skirt select
Bf flank-flank steak select #1 Beef feet
#1 White beef tongue 10 pc
#2 Beef tongue 10 pc
Beef cheek meat
Beef head meat
Beef hearts
Beef livers select
Beef oxtails
Beef small intestine braided

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